
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Fairytale Crown

Fairytale crowns and tiaras aren't just for tiny princesses - even grown-up girls love them. Especially if there's a prince involved.

The cue word at CASology this week is Fairytale.

And the challenge at CAS-ual Fridays is Love Song:

CFC89:  With the Grammys coming up in a few days, we thought it would be fun to have a song inspired challenge.  Choose a song you love, then create a CAS project that is inspired by it!
Be sure to tell us the name of your inspiration song :)

The love song for this card is Rule the World (what else?) by Take That.  Gary Barlow can be my prince any day.

Pre-cut crown card from Craftwork Cards, platinum Stickles, AB gems, sentiment by Fiskars.

After a quick catch-up round blogland, I'm blogging off for a few weeks as I'll be way too busy to post (but I may peep in now and again to see what you're all up to).  See you sometime in March!


  1. Actually I just realized that my last comment sounded like it was fabulous that you were going to be gone. I should have typed a few more words - "Fabulous card!! I'll miss seeing your creations in blogland while you are away!"

  2. What a fun card! Hope you'll find your way back to blogland sooner rather than later!!

  3. Love that you made your card in a crown shape! Clever! Thanks for joining in on the fun at CASology this week!

  4. I will miss you Miss Shirley-Bee!! I love your adorable fairytale and CFC Crown! Well done!!

  5. Fun take on the challenge, Shirley ... enough sparkle for a grown up princess with a Gary Barlow! Hope your busy-ness goes well, I'll miss seeing your wonderful confections across the blogosphere! Anita :)

  6. Love your shaped card! Great job! And that sparkle is fabulous! Thanks for playing along this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  7. Great take on the cue card - I love the blingy crown - perfect for a wedding shower! Thanks so much for playing along with CASology this week, Shirley!

  8. I love your gorgeous crown card - such a wonderful idea! I hope you don't blog off for too long - we will miss you and your beautiful cards - Hug xx

  9. I don't think that there is a girl/woman out there that hasn't dreamed of Prince Charming sweeping her off her feet and carrying her off to some majestic palace where she will never have to do dishes, shop for groceries, vacuum the floor, clean the loo....

    Great interpretation of both challenges Shirley. Going to miss your posts, but will me on the look out for a wee hello every now and then :)

  10. I too love the idea still of a crown or more a tiara!

  11. Shirley, what a cute crown card and such wonderful bling! Perfect fairytale sentiment, too! Thanks for playing along at CASology...good luck during your blogging break!

  12. you always have the most creative ideas, shirley! your crown is truly inspired... thanks so much for playing along with CASology each week!

  13. I love the crown! Awesome idea! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  14. Hi Shirley,
    I love your blog and your card creations! I find inspiration from your cards all the time. So, when I received the Liebster Blog Award from a fellow papercrafter, I knew I had to pass it onto you as someone who inspires me. You can pick up the award at my blog ( Thanks again for all the inspiration!

  15. Hi Shirley. The crown is gorgeous. I love the song too! I was wondering if you're in Melb soon. If so, if you have spare time and would like to meet for a coffee or something, send me a message.:)

  16. Hey! I miss you! Just re-read your blog and realize this was planned, but wanted to know that I've missed seeing you! Hope you're enjoying whatever you're doing!

  17. Yay! You're back! Seeing a note from you made me smile! Hope you're ready to rock and roll and razzle dazzle us with some amazing projects.

  18. Hi Shirley, so good to have you back! I've missed you and was sooo delighted to get your message ... looking forward to seeing your delicious combination of inspiration and talent soon! Anita :)

  19. Hi Shirley, Great take on this challenge, a crown!! It works so well:0) Thank you for stopping by and your lovely encouragement, hugs Gay x
