
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Happy Birthday Darnell!

There's a party going on over at Ardyth's blog for birthday girl Darnell.  I'm bringing flowers to the party.  I usually take wine to a party and I'm always made very welcome.

I entered a similar card into Darnell's NBUS challenge, using my homemade gingko stamps, so I thought I would make this one to send, not realising that we'd be partying today and there's a fair chance it may not arrived in the US of A yet.  So, Darnell, if this hasn't arrived in your mail yet, just close your eyes...

Oh, wait a minute, open them again, I want to show you my good deed for the day.  I saw this dragonfly apparently dead with a broken wing on the conservatory windowsill, but then it started fluttering, caught in a spider's web.

So I scooped it up with a biro and the tiniest ever spider came rushing out to try and claim its prey, but we escaped.  You can see the spider gunk around the pen in this second photo.  I managed to pull most of it off and the dragonfly was able to fly away.

On another completely random note, I went on a little jolly to York and Harrogate with my friend Melanie and her son Henry.  We spent most of the journey spotting diggers and trucks for Henry, who is nearly 3, and as we approached Harrogate we kept seeing bicycles painted yellow - one with a stuffed sheep sitting on it wearing a yellow jersey; small bikes, large bikes, trikes, a penny farthing, all yellow.  Chained to railings, up telegraph poles, in gardens, on roofs.  Then we saw bunting made from knitted jerseys - yellow, green, red and white spotted.  Then it clicked - it's the Grand Départ of The Tour de France on Saturday, and the community has really gone to town with its decorations.

One local council's Elf 'n Safety department ordered the knitted bunting to be removed because they feared that when it got wet (as it surely would in England) the weight of all that wet wool would bring down the lampposts that the bunting was attached to.  As one local resident pointed out, sheep don't fall over when they get wet...

Thought you'd enjoy that little digression, Darnell :)  Have a wonderful birthday!


  1. Stunning card Shirley,I do love gingko leaves,they always look so elegant.

    Well done you for rescuing that dragonfly,that's always the sort of thing I do,glad someone else does these little things too :)

    Donna x

  2. This is gorgeous... Love, love your handmade gingko stamps.

  3. Great card Shirley. Beautiful colours. Love the rescue of the dragonfly and the wool story. Always fun to hop around and check out peoples lives. Looks like I'm too early for Ardyth, nothing happening there yet.

  4. Beautiful card, Shirley!! Our Miss Darnell is going to love this. And you get the "hero-of-the-week" award for your kind rescuing of the dragonfly! Way to go! I'd have loved to see all the decorations in that little neighborhood. Wonderful description. Sounds like a wonderful day too. Bev

  5. Cute story! :)

    Your card is breathtakingly beautiful, Shirley!!! Looks like a painting!

    So glad you rescued that dragonfly because it's so pretty! Love watching those fly in the summertime!

  6. I so enjoy these floral artsy cards that u make and that faded text in the BG is so awesome :) You are a rescuer, I would have ran far off from the dragonfly, may be someone will have to rescue me in this scenario ;) lol

  7. Beautiful watercolour bouquet, love the subtle background words. A very special BD card for a very special gal!

  8. Wow! An absolute beauty for Darnell!

  9. OK, you're going to have Darnell swooning so much that she might have to take a break and not make it to the rest of us!!!!
    Again, kudos on creating one heckuva stamp.
    And thanks for the kind words over at STAMPlorations ;)

  10. I agree with Maria, Darnell is going to love your post!
    What a gorgeous card and I love the beautiful pink.
    Such beautiful pictures of the saved dragonfly!

  11. Gorgeous card Shirley - love that home made ginko stamp - I thing I have to make myself one, too....The poor spider not gonna have anything to eat now .......somebody has to feel for the predator...

  12. Exquisite card so perfect in every way! Darnell is going to love it!

    Talented and a dragon fly rescuer too!! what a sweet story!


  13. What an amazing card - lucky Darnell! Jo x

  14. Beautiful, Shirley ... so, so gorgeous ... Darnell will adore it! So pleased you saved that that dragonfly ... it really is too lovely to be lunch! Still laughing after reading the local resident's comment about the sheep ... such a wise soul! Anita :)

  15. Stunning card, Shirley! I love the vibrant pink, and how you arranged the flowers to create a bouquet! Darnell is sure to love it, too!

    Love the pics of the dragonfly...good job saving him from his impending demise...I'm sure he's feeling very grateful right now :-)

  16. Beautiful card for Darnell, she will love it.

  17. Aw, love your rescue story, Shirley! That beautiful dragonfly is likely very grateful :) Now, on to your the colors on those fab ginko leaves...beautifully done! Perfect for Darnell!

  18. What a beautiful card!! I love those flowers!! And yes, you did an awesome deed saving that dragonfly!! It brings me back to the time when I was driving on the freeway with my window open and something hit me in the head. My daughter thought I was joking but when we got to our destination she went to pick up her coat in the back seat and their was a giantiac dragonfly on the sleeve lol!! He was stunned but O.K.

  19. Love your stunning b-daycard for Darnell, Shirley!
    AND, your good deed saving that dragonfly was a very sweet act :)

  20. I got your beautiful card right ON my birthday, Shirley-Girley! How cool is that?!! It is SO gorgeous and summery IRL! May we know when you are going to open your own stamp company or become, at the least, a designer for a company? Hmmm?! I believe I've asked you that before.

    I have to stop myself licking my card because it looks like melting raspberry and strawberry sorbet! Delish!! And the way you did the text is such an awesome design feature. I'll keep my eyes out for this Tim Holtz guy you mentioned!

    I very much enjoyed your storyland post from your outing with little Henry to your dragonfly rescue! You painted the scene beautifully of the Tour de France decorations. We could see it pictured in our minds!

    In spite of some folks' abhorrence of them, there is evidence in fairy history that dragonflies bring happiness and good fortune to the homes they visit. To save one from a cruel and slow death as you have done (sorry, spider, not YOUR day!) will bring you untold blessings!! And wasn't it fun to stop and take the photos as you went in a WWDD state of mind!!

    Mwah! Darnell

  21. Absolutely fabulous card - and I love the story of the yellow bicycles. I only saw the two wheelers when I went out and about but to see a penny farthing decked up - great!
    Hugs, Neet

  22. What a beautiful card! The colors you chose are so eye-catching! :)

  23. You are my hero! I'm so glad to hear of others that take time to lend a helping hand to God's wee creatures! I'd have done the exact same thing! Atta girl Shirley!

    Gorgeous card! It's obvious that Darnell loved it (how cool that it arrived exactly on her birthday! This gingko image is stunning!You really should market this stamp!
