
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eat More Cake

This is the other card that I made for the CASology challenge:

I think I eat more chocolate than cake for my birthday.  Well, I will have when I finish the huge box of chocolates my hubby bought me!  (He gets to eat all the coffee ones because I don't like them.  Although I have been known to nibble all the chocolate off any that have been left in the box too long after I've finished all mine...)

The cupcake was stamped onto kraft card, so I'm also submitting it into the CAS-ual Fridays challenge:

Image is from Kanban - Coffee Shop, sentiment is from Fiskars Make a Wish Quotes.


  1. OMG, I'm laughing at you nibbling off the chocolate. I'm the same - why ruin good chocolate with coffee? My faves are from the UK (Thornton's chocolate smothered special toffee).Hubby goes there a couple of times a year and always brings back a couple of boxes. Amazing how 1 lb of chocolate equals 5 lbs gained weight. Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  2. I love this gorgeous cupcake...I don't like the coffee chocolates either! lovely card. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  3. Beautiful card! I love the cupcake image. Thanks for playing along this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  4. What a gorgeous cupcake! Love the sentiment, too.

  5. Looks yummy enogh to eat! White on Kraft is such a striking color combo. I'm with you on the coffee both of them...but not 'smooshed' together!

  6. that is one yummy cupcake, shirley! the sentiment made me laugh!!

  7. What a perfect sentiment for those of us that need any excuse we can get to eat sweets! :) Love that elegant cupcake!!! Thanks for joining us a second time this week at CASology!

  8. Can totally see you nibbling the edges off those coffee chocolates! LOL! I like my chocolate plain and simple. Don't understand the need to ruin them with nuts, fruit, coffee, etc! Your cupcake looks good enough to eat and I heartily agree with the sentiment! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  9. What a lovely cupcake image and a perfect sentiment!
