
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Appreciate You

I loved the inspiration photo for Runway Inspired Challenge #23, but I was stumped for ideas.  When I finally did get a couple of ideas, they just didn't translate onto the card, so back to the drawing board.

I didn't have any big circle stamps, but as I was rifling through my stamping stash, I saw this set, and thought if I can't go big, I'll go small.  So here's my thinking, working from right to left:

Zig-zags - shoes
Dotted lines - border of denim dress
Bullseye - circular lines of the bag
sunburst flower - just so that I could add the red dot to the centre :)
Dots - loosely representing the model's bodice top
Stem - those long legs!
Leaves - border on the bodice top.


Now, the cue word at CASology this week is

Not exactly a thank you card, but it's along the right lines (or circles).

And the challenge at Simon Says this week is also a thank you card, so ditto.

And if you're still with me, this card is for you.  I really appreciate all the effort that you girlies put into your own blogs, your challenge blogs, and visiting my blog and leaving lovely comments!

The sentiment is from Hero Arts CL646 Happy Birthday, and all the other stamps are from Sassafras Lass, Blooms N' Stalks.


  1. Wow Shirley, this is so original and inspired! I think this could be a winner!

  2. Definitely a yes and "I appreciate you" = thanks in my book! I appreciate you for playing along with CASology this week! :D

  3. This is great! Perfectly CAS -- love it! Bev

  4. I'm all about a resounding YES as well! Fabulous interepretation. The best though, is that you used stamps that you had, tweeked them a bit and voila...a perfect haute coiture card (did I spell that wrong???)

  5. YES! You nailed this RIC - without it looking exactly like the photo, you have all the elements. Plus, of course, a big THANK YOU for playing along with CASology this week!

  6. Wow, Shirley! LOVE this! You really outdid yourself with your interpretation of the inspiration photo! I keep looking at that purse! Is that thing for real?!! LOL!

    Love the little circles and that one long stemmed flower really steals the show! A perfect CAS card! :) Thanks so much for joining us again at CASology!

  7. Classic color combination ... so striking! Love your take on the runway photo!

  8. I admire your dedication and love your explanation! Great card.

  9. Yes yes yes. You have a fabby stamp collection. Looks like a winner to me. Jenny

  10. The inspiration and your thought about this picture is remarkable! The result is a beautiful and perfect CAS card! Great! I love it very much!!

    Rosi x

  11. brilliant take on the inspiration photo!! fantastic design!! thanks so much for playing along with CASology each week, shirley!

  12. This is another wowza terrific interpretation of a challenge, Shirley! Absolutely love it!!

  13. Stunning take on the photo. Love that all your circles mean something to the photo. x

  14. I'm going with "yes!" I just adore your breakdown of the design elements- it really gets me into your thought process, and I love that! Thanks for joining us on the Runway!

  15. Love your creative thinking Shirley!

  16. Shirley I think small works perfectly, can you imagine having to carry that big bag couldn't easily put it by the table in a restaurant could you! Your idea is much better.

  17. Ooh yes, definitely ... this is so awesomely creative ... I love it! I'm always amazed and inspired by your creations, thank you for sharing! Anita :)

  18. I love your card - the circles and the colours look fab x x

  19. Absolutely brilliant take on the inspiration photo! I really like that splash of red in the centre of the flower!

  20. wooo hoo, you're on a roll! Congrats on your runway shout out.

  21. Congrats, Shirley! Fabulous card! Such a deserving Fashionista shout out!

  22. Popping back to congratulate you for the RC shoutout for this brilliant card, Shirley!!
