
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shoes and Friends

My blog friend Ardyth, at a loss for something to do after organising anniversary cards for Darnell, and wedding photos from everybody, has come up with a challenge in honour of her first blogaversary.  Take the first card you ever posted on your blog, flickr, splitcoasters, wherever, and CASE it.

Here's the card from my first post:

For my CASE version I stamped the image without the sentiment, coloured the ruffle skirt red, keeping the colouring patchy to complement the scribbly image, then trimmed and mounted the piece onto black card, and added a different sentiment.

So, roll back to your first card, CASE it and link up on Ardyth's sidebar.

Fittingly, the theme at Less is More this week is FRIENDS.

The challenge at A Blog Named Hero is to use an old stamp to create a new project.

And the challenge at Dynamic Duos is to use red and black (with an optional valentine theme).

90434 Girlfriends from Stamps Happen
3853F Too Many... from Penny Black


  1. Wow!! Love that stamp and both versions of your card. I daren't look at my first post - too awful!

  2. Oh wow! Way to combine all those challenges! I'm so glad you played along, Shirley! I love the pops of colour on that image - the perfect treatment and the perfect image for a friends card!

  3. Both versions are great. This reminds me I have some stamped images like this - now where are they?

  4. I love both versions of your card - it's such a gorgeous stamp and a fun sentiment:) Hugs x x

  5. This is a really cute card...great card for the challenges. I don't think I want to look at my first card. I'm sure it's awful, what an interesting challenge...must go take a peek.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A great remake! I love the image, and especially the 2nd sentiment!

  8. Well, if this isn't a saying after my own heart! What a fun card! Thanks for playing along at Dynamic Duos this week!

  9. Fabulous stamp - never seen that one before. Love both versions, but I think the new make just has the edge, Jo x

  10. Wo, I love them both = what an amazing card for your 1st post! I was surprised to see that you've been blogging for less than a year.

  11. Two fabulous cards and what a fun challenge. I love them both! The touches of color on each are wonderful. ann

  12. Winner. Period. You have the coolest images, Shirley! I love this one both ways! Way to go making your new card nail so many challenges!!

  13. Tres chic!!! Thanks for playing with us at A Blog Named Hero!!!

  14. you are right about the shoes shirley!!

    Thanks for joining us
    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  15. Hi Shirley

    Oh I love that stamp..... I love your original and the new version!

    Hope you are well.


  16. Great cards and totally agree with the sentiment

  17. What a brilliant image with terrific sentiments!
    Love it!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  18. Love them both Shirley, what a wonderful stamp... love the splashes of colour too :0)
    Jenny x

  19. What a BRILLIANT stamp - love how you've highlighted it with bold colour too.

  20. I love the wonderful pops of red and the patchy application. It's a superb card.
    Heather T

  21. Smashing and loving the splash of colour


  22. Both cards ... amazing, love the colour splashes on both and that sentiment on the red one ... perfect! Love the post too (as ever) ... I can just imagine Ardyth sitting twiddling her thumbs wondering what to do with herself ... not! Anita :)

  23. What a fun card! Love the sentiment - so true!! Thanks for playing along with Dynamic Duos this week!

  24. What a fun idea, casing your first card. Such a fun image! Thanks for playing with the Dynamic Duos.
