
Sunday, April 07, 2013

Birthday Glamour

I'm back with another entry for Less is More.  I can't resist lime with gin black.


It's Aintree weekend, with the Grand National yesterday, although I didn't have a flutter this time.  What did flutter on Ladies' Day on Friday were all the silly fillies in their frilly frocks, high heels and fake tans.  Nothing wrong with frilly frocks, high heels and fake tans (and goodness knows we need a bit of colour on our pasty complexions after this long winter); the silly bit was dressing like that with near-zero temperatures, arctic winds and no coats!  You can tell I'm at the age where I dress for comfort, not for speed :)  Or am I just jealous because I can't wear towering heels now.

Anyway, I thought I'd honour all those brave girls, sacrificing for their art, with this little number.

I'm also adding it to One Layer Wednesday, hosted this week by Ardyth, where the theme is threesomes.  One rather tenuous link - three stamps.  And slightly more bling than is expected on a one layer card, but it just cried out for sequins.

Are you impressed with how on-trend I am with sequins lately?  All by accident rather than design - years and years ago I bought a bead kit from a cheap shop, I was so dazzled by the cheap price colours.  And there just happened to be some lime sequins in the kit.

I'm also entering it into Simon Says Happy Birthday challenge.

Image from Stamp It
Sentiment from Waltzingmouse


  1. First - your card is amazing! Love the clean, graphic style of the stamp and the touch of lime. I think you've the perfect amount of bling for the dress.

    Second, LOL! Your post really made me laugh - I dress for comfort too - I think the girls are all mad!!!

  2. Fab-u-lous! So stylish, I love it, Jo x

  3. Love this - The lime really pops. And the sequins are perfect! Glad you played along with OLW. As for Aintree,and the Grand National I've never been there, but I read all the Dick Francis novels, so I feel like I know it! lol!

  4. Hi Shirley. Love the stylized image - so cool! And the sequins --- perfect! Loll xx

  5. Love your card and your post made me laugh too! That is a great stamp; can you tell me from wich firm that is? Greetings, Gerrina

  6. your card is fabulous!!! you have just reminded me I have a stamp from Denami designs quite similar :) must dust it off :) :)

  7. Wow, fabulous card, so clever with the sequins!

  8. I've recovered my equilibrium after a fearful fit of the giggles ... fabulous depiction of those silly fillies, and just the right number of very on trend sequins! I don't do cold ... I do wrapped up michelin man! Anita :)

  9. This is terrific and the subtle use of the colour works really well!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  10. Wow, wow, wow!! This is a stunner and I'll eat my frilly, silly hat if it's not showcased, lol!

    I am also at the age where I dress for comfort and even if I didn't, I have to say that some of the outfits were blinkin' awful!

    I'm also at the age where I open my mouth and say what I think, lol!

  11. Wow, what a super special card!! I love the design and all the details. Stunning work, really!!

  12. Oh yeah, this color combo rocks...far more than those youngsters on their teetering heels! This dress was totally crying out for sequins! Absolutely flawless stamping Shirley!

  13. Yay for us - winners at craft Stamper! Jo x

  14. This is gorgeous and love the addition of the sequins. x

  15. Great card - love it... and I laugh every year when I see those silly girls at Aintree.... didn't anyone tell them that a racecourse is GRASS??!! Wonder how many heels went home green?? LOL And maybe they should use the blankets to cover them instead of the horses!

  16. I love how you've added colour to this beautiful image, the sequins look great too :0)
    Jenny x

  17. This is so stylish - it looks so professional! You should make a series like this one and sell them!

  18. i think i have some sequins somewhere too lol... just fabulous shirley
    Thanks for joining us this week
    "Less Is More"

  19. Gorgeous card Shirley, so elegant and striking, I love the colours you've used.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
    hugs Mandy xx

  20. Wow, that dress is gorgeous! What beautiful style! Just the colour what it needs!

    Rosi x

  21. Love the gorgeous sequin and use of colors! Perfection indeed!

  22. Holy moly.... This is soooo pretty, I am speechless
    Love all ur cards :)

  23. This is simply stunning -I love it ! x

  24. Shirley, what a cool image and I love how you combined her with that WMS sentiment. The bundle of sequins at the dress hem = perfection and I don't think there could have been a better color to combine with the B/W.

  25. Gratuluję Ci pomysłu, którym ubiegłaś mnie. )))) Kartka jest rewelacyjna

  26. wow love it .. so elegant
    Lisa x
