
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Flowers

Spring is trying its best to appear in the UK, so I'm encouraging it by making this spring flower card.  The inspiration has come from the following challenges:

Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger
MUSE Challenge #12

So here's the full version of my card, which I'm also entering into Simon Says April Showers And/Or Flowers, and One Layer Wednesday, hosted this week by Heather, where the challenge is to use a tall/thin card. Does it still count if it's lying down, Heather?

I white-embossed the flower stamp (3868J Portraits by Penny Black) three times, then masked all the flowers (took forever!) while I stamped the leaf from Paper Smooches Reflections using Versafine Smoky Grey in the gaps.  Then I removed the masks and coloured the flowers with a very wet chinese water brush loaded with a combination of Victorian Velvet and Worn Lipstick distress inks.  Once that dried I added a bit of Scattered Straw distress ink to the flower centres.  The flower directly above "happy" didn't stamp cleanly, but fortunately it left a nice little niche for the sentiment (Paper Smooches Sentiment Sampler) to fit into.

Blogger is throwing a wobbler and won't let me link the image addresses, so I've had to download them to my computer.  Anyone else having the same problems?


  1. THUD! OH MY GOODNESS! Those colours are absolutely, stunningly breathtaking. I love the watercoloured look of your flowers and the grey for the leaves (I can see some intricate masking going on here!) WOW! Thanks so much for playing along with Muse!

  2. WOW what a beauty, well done Shirley. Well worth all that effort, I love your card :0) Thank you for your kind words, I am now aware that you have to download the app to validate the find my iPad feature, I thought it would work just by switching the on button, silly me! It's all magic anyhow LOL
    Hugs Gay x

  3. My goodness, talk about a stunner! The white embossing and coloring and everything... totally worth the effort!

  4. Gobsmackingly wonderful and so so pinned!

  5. Wow, how gorgeous, love your interpretation of the magnolias!!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous card! I love your color pretty!

  7. Beautiful colours and a great "tall and thin while lying down" layout! I love the layering of your images; its all so pretty.
    Heather T

  8. Stunning! The masking may have taken forever, but the end results are worth it. This is just amazing. I'm so glad you were able to join us this week at the colourQ.

  9. Lovely card, Shirley, your stamping is beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us at the colourQ.

  10. Wow a beautiful card !

  11. I just love those flowers, the watercolouring is superb... the whole design is stunning, love the contrast of the bold leaves and delicate flowers.
    I think we'll be seeing this again in a winners post!! :0)
    Jenny x

  12. So soft and pretty. Love it (and yes also having problems linking pictures)

  13. Gorgeous, Shirley! your colouring is beautiful!

  14. This is just stunning - the flowers have a ethereal quality to them. I just love it.

  15. ... it seems like Blogger isn't playing nicely with a whole lot of people!

    Your card is stunning Shirley and is sporting some pretty dang amazing masking! Beautiful water coloring. I love where you tucked the sentiment (especially when you can turn and oooops in to a ta-da!!!)

  16. Gasp! Utter delight, Shirley, all that masking was so worth it for this wonderful soft, delicate, beautiful card ... I love every little bit of it! Anita :)

  17. Fantastic - I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup this week!

  18. Um!! WOWSERS!! this is stunning.. thanks for joining us at Simon Says Challenge blog

  19. I sure hope you entered Stamping Royalty Shirley

  20. What a stunning card! Beautifully done.

  21. Your card is stunning - I love your beautiful flowers - hugs xx

  22. How gorgeous! Love the soft look of your card.

  23. Hey Shirley! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)
