
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stencilled Day 3

Day 3 of Stencilled, and it's about texture and dimension.  I don't have any modelling paste, I just use Polyfilla (or spackle, depending on which part of the world you are in).  I coloured some Polyfilla with gold Adirondack Metallic Acrylic Paint Dabber.  The sheen didn't translate into the paste, but at least the colour did.  I butted two pieces of card side by side and taped the stencil centrally over them, because I only wanted partial coverage.  Anything to cut corners.  I had some paste left over so I stencilled some leaves on more card, but because that's thicker/larger areas, it hadn't dried, so I'll finish them tomorrow.

Once the piece was dry I sprayed it with gold shimmer rain mist thingy stuff, cut a butterfly from gold card and leaves from vellum and stuck it all together and added some pearls.

Here's a closer look.  You can see the gold spray better:

I'm entering this into Divas By Design, a new one to me, and the challenge is Anything Goes.


  1. Wow! Fabulous card, love the texture you've created and thanks for joining us at Divas By Design this week. Jac x

  2. So pretty Shirley. Love the embossed stencil design. And your gold butterfly is gorgeous! Loll xx

  3. Beautiful butterfly Shirley, the embossed stencil design is fabulous.

    Hugs Diane

  4. Simply beautiful. I love the colours.

  5. Spackle? How very clever! Never in a million years would I have thought to use a wood filler! I have a whole tub of the stuff sitting in the basement!

    Gold shimmer rain misty thingy your technical jargon! Beautiful creation - gorgeous colors, gorgeous texture and gorgeous butterfly! You are such an inspiration Shirley!

  6. Now this is the prettiest spackle I've ever seen! Your card is GEORGEOUS !

  7. You are KILLING this class, Shirley! And winning that new challenge, I'm sure!! Keep 'em coming! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Totally gorgeous Shirley, fabulous design and wow to the stencilling x

  9. Polyfilla ... yikes ... genius, Shirley ... stunning sheen, brilliant dimension, fantastic texture! So, rather wonderful then! Anita :)

  10. I love that you used polyfilla!!! Very inventive and looks sooo good :0)

  11. Wow, this is so striking - I love it! Thanks for joining us at Divas by Design.
    Hugs, Janine xx

  12. Don't know how I missed this beauty! I love the dimension you achieved with your paste and how beautifully it pairs with your stems and butterfly! Another gorgeous card, Shirley!
