
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Balloon Rainbow

I'm playing along with One Layer Simplicity challenge again, where the theme is I've Been Framed.

I've used the challenge theme from Little Tangles, which has this inspiration photo:

I coloured each balloon with two shades of Tombow markers and huffed and puffed then stamped.  I've got to admit to a little enhancement with the markers and a water brush, but who says you have to accept the first impression?  I stamped the bows (don't they look like dicky bows?), strings and sentiment in Versafine Onyx Black then doodled a border to match the sentiment.  I pencilled the border first so that I would get the curls where I wanted them, then went over it with a 0.3 pen, thickening the line in parts to match the style of the sentiment.  I added some square dots of colour with one of the smaller stamps.  All stamps from Neat & Tangled 'Just For You'.


  1. The baloons are awesome with their 'bow ties' as we call them here in Canada. They really are looking quite handsome all decked out in their formal wear!

    The doodled border - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT...AGAIN! Especially love how you 'doodly doo'd right into the "Celebrate"!

  2. Oh I love your 'formal' balloons! Wouldn't this be perfect for a black tie invite!

  3. i love this and will probably CASE it, if that's OK with you!

  4. So pretty, Shirley. Love how you create the frame. Thanks for playing along at Little Tangles Challenge.

  5. Such handsome balloons, Shirley ... all decked out in their dickie bows ... perfect with the prom dress from the other day! Another gorgeous doodled frame! Anita :)

  6. Stunning! Love how u combined the challenges :)

  7. great card...I love your work.
    Thanks for playing along with the OlS.
