
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Butterfly and Blogger

Got this fabulous butterfly from Uniko Studio Challenge, just as Beverley from Uniko was guest designing at Muse with this card, so I had to play along :)

I stamped the image off the edge, and sloshed and splattered some Distress Inks (Barn Door, Faded Jeans, Chipped Sapphire).  I blatantly stole CASEd the partial frame idea from Cornelia, adding dots every time the lines intersected, to reflect the dots in the butterfly image.  I deliberately left the card flattened out while I splattered so that it would continue onto the back.  The sentiment is from Winnie & Walter The Big, The Bold and The Happy.

I'm playing along with Less Is More, where the theme is Watercolour

One Layer Simplicity, where the theme is I've Been Framed

and City Crafter, where the theme is Red, White and Blue

Anyone else having problems with Blogger feed?  It's decided to only show one post in my reader.  Not one post per blog I follow - ONE. SINGLE. SOLITARY. POST.  Whichever blog post is the most recent.  Apparently it's a bug known to Blogger but there's no sign of a fix yet.  How's a girl to cope?  Until yesterday, I was very happy with getting my posts through Blogger, but I can't cope without you all, so I'm now stalking you by Bloglovin until normal service is resumed at Blogger - if ever!


  1. Beautiful butterfly! Love it.
    The problems with blogger are really annoying - hope they fix it soon!

  2. Nice job Shirley. Love the colors.

  3. Just beautiful, Shirley ... the dotty detailing is sooo effective ... and I love the splattering front and back! Anita :)

  4. Some serious swooning over this gorgeous card, Shirley! The butterfly is superbly stunning, and the framing + dots + splatters...WOW!! Hope the blogger issues are resolved soon. I use Feedly and sometimes...grrr! LOVE your card oodles!

  5. How do you mange to get these splatter dots so perfectly round? They really do work perfectly with that amazing butterfly image and your swell hand doodled border!

    Blogger....don't get me started! If it's any consolation, Blogger's grief causing issues is widespread! And honestly, I don't think they care!

  6. Beautiful colors and love the framing :)

  7. Beautiful butterfly and fantastic water colouring too.
    thanks for sharing
    Less is More

  8. Gorgeous - love the loose watercolouring and the way you've continued onto the back of the card! So glad you joined us at Muse this week!

  9. Great stuff Shirley, you made those colours work really well!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  10. Shirley what an amazing piece of art, love this!
    Thanks for joining us at Less is More
    LIM Designer

  11. Gorgeous card, Shirley. Love the colours and the splatters on the back of the card too.

  12. I think I need that butterfly! You know me and butterflies! I love both cards!

  13. Stunning card!! I adore the effect ... Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!

  14. First congrats on your recent win and I too have problems with blogger every now and again! But onto your card love the splattering and the 'pinched' :-) frame, showcases the butterfly beautifully!x

  15. All that sloshing and splattering was worth it, what a wonderful card.

  16. Such a perfect card. All the clean white with the bold color of the butterfly. I love your splatter effect around the back of the card.

  17. I had the same issue with blogger last week - but all good now! Love your colourful butterfly, and the doodled border is fabulous!

  18. Beautiful card! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!
