
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Split Personality Rose

Quickie from me - I'm supposed to be helping DH prep for a dinner party tonight in honour of his birthday tomorrow!  Couldn't resist playing along with a few challenges:

Paper Smooches SPARKS (see the rosebud?):

Fusion (there's no linky tool yet, girls, we're having to link through comments):

City Crafter Roses:

I used the same technique that Dawn demonstrated in Stretch Your Stamps 2.  For me, that is the best example of stretching your stamps and I love the technique.  My rosebud has a split personality because it's actually the tulip stamp from the Bold Blooms set!  Just shows what a bit of squidging and scribbling can do.  The leaves are from Reflections and the stem is from Bold Blooms.  I used a 0.5 pen to scribble.

Ok, playtime over, back to the kitchen to help DH :)


  1. Love this beautiful card Shirely - your scribbling looks fab! hugs xx

  2. Shirley, I really think I'm missing out by not doing the class this time! This card is amazing! Are all the black lines your own scribbles? Amazing!! Thanks for joining us at Fusion (we're working on that Linky problem, thanks for linking up in the comments!)

  3. Have I said already that this technique was made for you? Because I think it whenever I see your cards - this is just stunning!!

  4. This card is lovely, the image and the colouring

  5. I LOVE your rose / tulip card. Great color & sketching.

  6. Stunning card! I really love these effective! Xx

  7. Gorgeous card. WOW a tulip ?? wouldn't have guessed.

  8. More squidgy, sketchy goodness ... so beautiful, Shirley! Happy Birthday to DH ... enjoy the DP! Anita :)

  9. What a lovely bloom ... so glad you joined us at Fusion Card Challenge (the linky is restored now if you want to stop back by and link-up)

  10. Oh so pretty!! What a gorgeous card! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!

  11. Beautiful Shirley. Love your "squidging and scribbling" :)

    HB to your DH. Loll xx

  12. Wow Shirley! I would have NEVER guessed those were Paper Smooches tulips and leaves! Such a beautiful look and just goes to show how versatile stamps can be! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your gorgeous work with this week's Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge! :)

  13. So simple and pretty! Love the design! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!

  14. Shirley, I have yet to try this from the've aced this technique! Stunning card...perfect colors!

  15. I recognized the class technique right away when I saw this at Fusion and had to come take a peek. It's fabulous, Shirley.
