
Monday, August 11, 2014

Watercolour Butterfly

I'm doing the Online Card Class - Stretch Your Stamps 2.  We've already had a full week and this is the first piece of homework I've come up with so far.  This is inspired by Melanie Deasy's no-line colouring technique.

I've used one of Susan's colour schemes from One Layer Simplicity Challenge #8, Shades of Summer:

I stamped the butterfly image (Uniko Studio) in Antique Linen then swooshed some Distress Inks onto an acrylic block and used them as watercolours.  The challenge at Shopping Our Stash is Splish Splash - use some form of wet medium on your card (yes please!!).

And I'm entering it into Uniko Studio Challenge Anything Goes.

I'm off to splash and splash some more!


  1. Very pretty Shirley! That butterfly is gorgeous and I love the spatters on the card base! Thanks for playing along with us at Shopping Our Stash for the "Splish Splash" challenge!!

  2. Fabulous! I love this Shirley, the colours you used are just right for your butterfly and no obvious outline makes it pop off the page!!! :D x

  3. So pretty, Shirley ... gorgeous colours ... splish splash any time!! Looking forward to seeing more homework! Anita :)

  4. Simple and beautiful, perfect! Ruth x

  5. I'm so glad someone else is tardy with their homework like me, Shirley:) Simply stunning...can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  6. You have really done an amazing job on this technique, Shirley! I know this is difficult, and you nailed it! Your butterfly is just GORGEOUS!

  7. Wow! Beautiful!

  8. WOW! The butterfly looks stunning using this technique :) I'm loving the class too - a bit behind on 'homework'! but all the same enjoying seeing what & how others have been inspired. Thanks SO much too for joining in on the Uniko Studio challenge. Hugs Bev x

  9. Your butterfly is GORGEOUS! Love the colors you've used ... so summery. Great technique with the no line stamping ... and the splatters are the perfect background. Loll xx

  10. If this were a real class, the teacher would go sit down and you'd be doing the teaching. Honestly, Shirley, this is extraordinary and mesmerizing!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. Just BEAUTIFUL!! Your watercoloring is exquisite. Very talented ;) Thanks for playing along in the Uniko Studio challenge!

  12. That is a great looking butterfly!!

  13. OMGosh, Shirley! That butterfly is simply gorgeous!!! You really did an amazing job painting this...and using the color combination!

    Thanks for sharing this with the OLS challenge. What a delight!

  14. LOVE the green antennae and body!!
