
Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Hop to Stop and a Spotlight

I've gone all purple in honour of The Hop To Stop, a blog hop organised by the Damsel of Distressed herself, Becca Cruger, to raise awareness about domestic violence.  October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, and purple is their chosen colour.

I started off with a piece of white card which had a partial covering of gesso.  Should have been a full covering but I was being a bit stingy with the stuff.  I added some Distress Inks, spritzed and watched it move and soak in to the un-gessoed areas.  It left this pattern, which I decided looked like a flower, so I got out the black fineliner and started drawing.  You can see the first pen mark already made.

So I just kept scribbling and drawing until I had something that resembled flowers.  Added a stamped sentiment, mounted it onto purple card, and it's done.

I'm also entering this into Simon Says Work It Wednesday - Use A Stamp

and Simon Says Stamp - World Cardmaking Day

I'm over at STAMPlorations tonight with a step-by-step on this card.  Pop on over for a closer look!


  1. beautiful card!!
    I'm doing my first GIVEAWAY over at my blog, be sure to check it out!! :)

  2. Wowzers! Looks super duper stunning :)

  3. Your graphics are incredibly beautiful. I admire you for great talent.

  4. Beautiful job! I Love the card you mad for the hop to stop blog challenge.

  5. Stunning! Love your drawn flowers with gorgeous textured background and a great sentiment with full of Hope!

  6. I was positive that was a stamp set. Beautiful artwork....

  7. I came over from the hop to stop. this is an incredible project. your drawing of flowers over your painted and gessoed background is masterful. the sentiment is just perfect. xo

  8. Jumped over from the hop. Amazing card, love your scribbling, perfect card for the hop!

  9. How beautiful and serene
    Saw you entry at the Hop to Stop and dropped in to have a closer look. Your projects are gorgeous...I will be dropping in again.
    Do drop by my blog when you can
    Dr Sonia

  10. Good grief, this is amazing, Shirley! Artistic and stunning design! I'm thinking this would be a fabulous new stamp set...just sayin' :)

  11. Girl, you so crazy talented I can't even. Gah. Seriously - can I just be you when I grow up? Those flowers are stunning! (Maybe you should make them into a stamp set, wink wink!) Thank you SO much for linking up to the Hop to Stop.

  12. You are so talented, Shirley! Jo x

  13. How artistic such beautiful flowers, and lovely sentiment.

  14. Oh my gorgeous, Shirley ... I am in awe! Hugs, Anita :)

  15. Such a beautiful card for The Hop to Stop. Your purple beauty caught my eye and I stopped in to get a closer look. I love the background you made for these beautiful flowers. Powerful sentiment too. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile and very serious issue.

  16. Beautiful background color wash! Very pretty card!
    Take care!

  17. Shirley, your cards are always amazing! I love how it looks like flowers so that is what you went with. I cannot believe you drew them!! Great job!!

  18. Shirley you are sooo talented! And creative! Love it!
