
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Comic Strip Card

I've been making a few comic strip cards, so you'll be seeing more of this style over the coming weeks, and I'll be doing a tutorial on my STAMPlorations Spotlight post on 3 February.

But for now, I'm adding this one to ColourQ, where I haven't managed to play for ages...  As soon as I saw the colour scheme, I had to make this card :)

It's the perfect card to give to a friend, so I'm entering it into Simon Says Monday Challenge - Best Friends.

It's actually my turn in the Spotlight tonight at STAMPlorations with a different card - here's a little peek, but pop on over and take a look.


  1. This ROCKS, Shirley! Can't wait to see the tutorial on it!

  2. Never heard of comic strip cards, but I am intrigued. This card is wonderful--really like your design. Thanks so much for playing along at ColourQ this week.

  3. I totally think it pretty and feminine! Love how you used the colors! Thanks for joining in the fun!

  4. This is soooo awesome! I love this comic book look and I can't wait to see more! Thanks for playing along with us at colourQ!

  5. Very nice! Great design and lovely colouring, Jo x

  6. This is just the prettiest, softest, most romantic way to remind me that I need to pull this stamp set out and have a play.

  7. Oh my Shirley, your card is so fresh and trendy! I love your comic strip format and sweet girly images. This will make a friend very Happy! TFS mf.

  8. Shirley these little frocks are gorgeous! LOve them colored just this way - and you've certainly made a believer out of me when it comes to those colors combined!

  9. they even make them anymore?

    Delightful little tutus! Love the soft colors and of course, the doodled borders!

  10. Such a pretty prettyyyyyy card! Very sweet! :)
    Suchi xx

  11. Oh- this is such a sweet card! It is so happy. Love the layout and the soft colors.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comments! Very glad you did as it brought me to your awesome place in the blogsphere. I am your newest follower!

  12. You're the best at making these comic strip delights, Shirley! But what really makes me swoon, as always, is your exquisite watercoloring skills!! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Just tried to leave a comment, Shirley ... and was sent a 'whoa, this site is dangerous' message. Guessing it's blogger playing up as I've been catching up with you all day (you've been busy ... and I've been AWOL!) ... trying again! Watercoloured party frocks ... how gorgeous! Hugs, Anita :)

  14. This is such a gorgeous card! Love the design and great subtle colours. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!
