
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jane and Tim

Helloooo!  Long time no blog... I haven't been blogging much this month, but I'll be stepping it up from next week because the STAMPlorations Inspiration challenges are back, so they'll get me back in the groove.  I've been making plenty, but not making time to blog.

I'm playing along with Darnell's NBUS #12.  Twelve, for goodness' sake.  How did that happen?  Anyway, my NBUS is some Jane Davenport face stamps and stencils.  I've been making traveller's notebooks (you can see a couple here), and those notebooks needed inserts.  So I made some inserts from cartridge paper and wanted to test out the paper.  I stamped a face on each page so that I could practice.  I ended up finishing all the pages in one go (so much for practising, I was having too much fun!), and you'll be seeing the rest of them over the next few posts.

Here's the full page for this girl.  Because it's mainly watercoloured (with Distress Inks) the page is curling, hence the photo-prop pebbles.

So the face is a stamp, the flowers are a stencil, the hair is black pen and white Posca paint pen, and her top is stencilled with my exclusive Tim Holtz stencil.

I'm also playing along at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge, Anything Goes.

Look who I was with on Sunday!

I was one of the lucky ones who managed to book onto Tim's Creative Chemistry Live UK Edition!!  It was a fantastic workshop, and Tim and Mario were an impressive team - the attention to detail was second to none.  Tim's delivery was faultless and fun.  The. Best. Workshop. Ever.  And that's why I've got some exclusive Tim Holtz stencils, made just for the CC Live UK workshops :)

Plenty of time for selfies after the workshop.  That's my friend Mel.  Not sure who's photobombing ;)

His suggestion, not mine!  But I had to oblige ;)


  1. Shirley!!!! LOOK who's rubbing elbows with the famous!!! OH how wonderful.. as is your gorgeous Jane! famous looks good on you!!

  2. Wow! So envious! Your art is always amazing - I love this piece so much. Jo x

  3. Oh my goodness; your artistry is amazing! Blown away by your image! And spending time with the crafting rockstar Tim H in the flesh? WOW!

  4. Fabulous artwork, Shirley ... and such fun photo's ... wasn't TH lucky meeting YOU! Hugs, Anita :)

  5. Eep - I was just going through my entries again and somehow I missed this, Shirley-Girley! I'm so glad Hammy told me to go round again as I wouldn't have wanted to miss this amazing post! First of all your artistic rendition of this beautiful female form is extraordinary! I can't get over your use of the flower stencil the way you've done and hurrah for an exclusive TH stencil!!

    And your photos with Tim and Mario are an absolute hoot! It sounds amazing in every way and I'm sure they loved having you as much as you loved attending. I wonder if you and Anne saw each other again? No matter, the important thing is that you had a blast, which I know she did, too!!

    Thank you so much for playing in my NBUS Challenge #12! Hugs, Darnell

  6. Oh I'm so glad I came over to check out your card in more detail! I did get a laugh, especially from the last pic! I absolutely adore your Shirley - girl!
