
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Seize The Birthday - Stencils or Anything Goes

Hello, we've got a new challenge for you at Seize The Birthday, and our theme this time is Stencils (or Anything Goes as long as it's Birthday-themed).

You've got a twofer from me:  I made this next card first, decided it was too pale (at that stage the background was plain white), so I made the second card, above.  But having painted a pale background, added some splatters and mounted it onto black card, I like it again, so you get to see both versions.  The stencil is from Altenew.

Pop on over to the Seize The Birthday blog for some fab inspiration from our Surprise Party Guest, Joyce of Cards By The Sea, and from the rest of the Design Team, and play along with us.

I'm entering this one into the CAS Stencil Challenge - Use a New Stencil (it was a Christmas present).


  1. Wow! all done with a stencil? Magnificent.

  2. I am so pleased you joined us at CAS Stencil with your stenciled roses and splattered backgrounds, Shirley. I do like the 1st card best because it seems to have more depth in the background and roses. TFS and Hugs..Nancy

  3. Spectacular!! They both look just plain awesome! What a beautiful stencil to work with!

  4. I have added this stencil to my WISH list...Thanks so much! Enabler!!! Incredible cards!

  5. Beautiful cards! Love them both and I too am shopping for the stencil, Cathy x

  6. These are both beautiful! Gorgeous stencil work.

  7. Both are pretty and spring-y birthday cards, Shirley! I love the softer one too!

  8. Both versions are beautiful .... love the stencil. Thank you for playing along with the CAS Stencil challenge xx

  9. Two lovely designs Shirley! The roses are beautiful - wonderful soft colors, so pretty in pink! Thanks for joining us at CAS Stencil! xx

  10. Wow - these are so beautiful! I love how you used the stencils! The colours are fantastic.

  11. Beautiful cards and great use of the stencil. They look hand painted.
