
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Seize The Birthday - Make It A Bouquet!

Hello, it's time for a new challenge at Seize The Birthday, and this time Colleen's choice is Make It a Bouquet!  (Or just anything goes birthday, if you prefer.)

My bouquet is made up of Tim Holtz flowers dipped and spritzed in Distress Inks, with a bit of coloured pencil for detail.  The stencil for the background is from STAMPlorations.

Pop on over to the Seize The Birthday blog for some more fabulous bouquets from the team, and our guest designer Loopyloo, and play along with us!


  1. Wow! That gold really shines - perfect for the yellow distressed flowers xx

  2. Absolutely beautiful! That gold foil stencilling - gorgeous. Almost as pretty as the bouquet. A wow card!

  3. Beautiful bouquet. Love the gold stenciling. It is a wow factor for sure.

  4. I usually take a close look at your cards as your describe them as easy, but I see the detail in them and know that it is the artist in you that prevails. Spritzing and dipping sounds easy, but it is the details that count.

  5. The gold really makes this card pop! As Barb stated...and artist indeed! Well done!

  6. Love the gold stencilling and framing on this pretty bouquet, this flower set is on my wishlist! Cathy x

  7. The yellow daisies look gorgeous on that golden background! Such a beautiful card!

  8. Fabulous! I love yellow on flowers - I feel that they just bring in the happy! The spritzing and dipping sounds like a cool technique - certainly looks cool (I'm not sure what you do, though!) And I love the gold background - what an awesome way to being in some shine!

  9. Shirley, this is amazing, first all the shine from the stencil is so striking and then the flowers and leaves are so very pretty with the way your colored them up! Gorgeous card and bouquet!

  10. What a gorgeous watercolour bouquet! The gold stencil in the background is a perfect accent for the bouquet.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Awesome bouquet against a fun background
